Final Music Video: Foot Prints

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Digipak Cover

Digipak Cover

Digipak Inside

Digipak Inside

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Logo Font designs

Above is a screen shot of the various fonts we experimented with. Although the production company is a completely individual company and produces other videos for other artists apart from our artist. Therefore, we had to be careful with designing the logo to relate too strongly to our genre. However we also knew that a production company produces products that they are interested in, so we had to make sure the genre suited the video, but the themes of the video did not.

Monday 15 November 2010

audience feedback

Good variety of lights

Good range of shots

Repetition of shots are not too repetitive

Enjoyed the lyric & visual links

Need to improve quality of film

Friday 5 November 2010

Our Track List

Foot Prints
Other side to you
The time
Peril of eternity
In the arms of autumn
Steps rewound

When deciding on our final track list, a lot of aspects had to be considered; whether each title was suitable to the genre of our promo.
The track titles tell a story, it is the different stages to a relationship.

Foot Prints: This represents a relationship as it is two sets of footprints. from research of similar artists I found that the main track is the record title.

Onerous: difficulties in a relationship are stating rise.

Other side to you: again relates to the theme of relationships. we also witness the possible deterioration of a relationship as the tracks go on. here the artist has seen a different side to the other person in their relationship, a side they possibly don't appreciate.

The time: this relates to a decision - time to make a decision, whether it is to continue with the relationship or to end it.

Peril of eternity: could relate to a destructive relationship, with represents the idea that the artist decided to continue with the relationship, and made a mistake.

Red: Connotes love or pain or a combination of both. Therefore as much as it pains her, she loves her partner.

In the arms of autumn: Autumn is a metaphor for finding comfort in another man.

Temptation: ideas of polygamy or an affair.

Steps rewound: considers what it would be like if she had made different decisions.

Digipak research

when attempting to design our digipak i realised i needed to research into digipaks by artisits similar to ours, rather than general research into digipaks.
therefore I looked at digipaks by Florence and the machines:

I found that nature was a common theme throughout all their digipaks, as the majority of our filming was done outdoors i figured it would be appropriate to incorporate nature into our digipak.

This was also supported by a digipak by Corrine Bailey Rae:

I also needed inspiration for the track titles on the album. therefore i took a look at titles from imogen heaps:

Sweet Religion
Angry Angel

these all contained connotations of religion, as our artist is caucasian and has been brought up by religious parents, i thought it appropriate to also incorporate religion inspired track titles.

i also found that titles from Kt Tunstall contained aspects of melancholy:
Another Place To Fall
Under The Weather
Through The Dark
Heal Over

theres an almost nostalgic tone to some of these track titles.
however when researching into Corrinne Bailey Rae i found that her tracks titles have a soft, calm tone:
Seasons Change
Love's On Its Way
The Sea-

there was one thing I was sure about, and that was there needs to be a touch of sensitivity throughout the digipak as all these artists have portrayed femininity.

Another thing I realsied was that the name of the album should be the main track, in our case the track to which we produced a promo for.

Wednesday 3 November 2010


All the lines are linked to the shots, the shots are numbered according to the order of the shots. they are also colour coded according to the location. this allowed us to shot with ease, as all we had to do was follow this and we would have all our shots done.

we also gave a copy of the lyrics to our actress 2weeks prior to filming, so she could learn the lyrics and sing them fluently, this made lip syncing a lot easier.

Shooting day 1

We had originally agreed to meet at 9:30am at Osterley park, although i arrived on time the other members of the group were late by at least 35minutes. However this did not dampen our day, as the sun was shining, we were incredibly organised with our shooting list. we had linked each line of lyric to what we wanted in the visual, prior to shooting. We had previously set up a meeting with our actress, and discussed make up and costume.

There were several roles required for a successful shot, and in order for us all to experience and understand each role we decided to rotate the roles between us. this would also allow us to each have an artistic input into the promo.

Amrita started with the filming whilst, Amar organised the shot order and i directed what i wanted in the frame. An hour later i was on the camera, Amar directed the shot and Amrita organised the shot order. Like this the day continued.

The main aspect to the success of our promo was an enthusiastic and fearless actress. Luckily our actress was willing to do anything even if it was a little embarrassing in the middle of a public park. we were extremely grateful of her grace and willingness throughout the shoots.

By the end of the shoot, it was apparent to all that we had just wrapped up a music video shoot. This lead to us being stopped by security in claim of breaching a contract we had not yet signed. We were able to sort out the problem and head home ready for the next day of shooting.

Overall it was an extremely successful shoot, as we managed to film every out door scene with little hassle.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Shooting day 2

Today we required the schools drama studio to do our indoor filming, however the studio was double booked. Luckily we managed to secure a slightly smaller studio, but was suitable for what we we had to do.

The shoot went well as we filmed everything required. Again we were well organised and rotated the roles between us.